
The Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adult Ministry seeks to improve the relationships of young adults with Christ, themselves and each other by organizing and promoting activities catering to the spiritual, emotional and social needs of today’s young adult. Whether through Bible Study, spiritual retreats, or a variety of recreational and innovative experiences, the Young Adult Ministry prepares young adults to successfully handle all that life has to offer!

The Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry extends personal greetings of welcome to all who enter the church, from the door to the sanctuary, every Sunday morning and at special events.

The Commission on Social Action

Bethel A.M.E.’s Commission on Social Action is designed to inform and educate the congregation on social and political issues facing our church and our community. The Commission addresses the social challenges that we are confronted with on a daily basis, and encourages Christian based political action by our congregation and the community on a local, state and federal level

The Commission on Christian Education

The Book of Discipline of the African Methodist Episcopal Church states that the department of Christian Education shall develop a comprehensive and unified program of Christian Education which shall lead to a knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, the Christian Religion, and the Christian Church, and an implementation of these values in daily living. They shall provide source materials for all the educational work of the Church, and shall provide for developing standards and preparing programs and...

The Class System

The Purpose is to introduce you to the rich history of Bethel Bloomfield and the AME Church, enhance spiritual growth and development, prepare for discipleship, acquaint you with the primary mission of the Church, and acquaint you with the Body of Christ and opportunities to serve.

Media Ministry

The Media Ministry is an integral and valuable component in the life of Bethel AME Church. The church is in operation seven days a week and the Media team provides Front of House sound reinforcement, and Audio Recording for all church services and special events. They also provide full video support, including operation of video cameras, video switching and video recording support for the many events in the life of the church. Media also duplicates and prints...

Botanical Ministry

Our purpose is to beautify the house of the Lord with plants and flower arrangements on Sundays and special occasions. We also attend to the plants around the church and give flowers to the sick and shut-in.

Acolyte Ministry

An Acolyte is a person who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.  In service to Jesus, Acolytes may assist the pastor in worship service through lighting and extinguishing of the altar candles. The Acolytes set the mood for the worship service by being the first persons to enter the sanctuary, leading the processional, and also leading the recessional while carrying the cross and the candle lighter which represents Jesus as the light of the world. ...

Finance Commission

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The Priscilla J. Green Lay Organization

The purpose of the Lay Organization is to instill in its membership a love and appreciation for the history, tradition and principles of African Methodism; advocating respect and loyalty to constituted authority; encouraging the support of the total program of the local church; fostering systematic and regular study which will provide greater knowledge and participation in the church; organizing and training lay members concerning the goals and objectives of the Connectional Lay Organization.

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